You may place your order using VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, or DISCOVER. When placing your credit card order, be sure to include your name as it appears on the card, the entire card number, the date of expiration, and the security code located on the back of VISA, MasterCard, Discover and the front of American Express. IMPORTANT: We must be able to verify the shipping address as the credit card holder’s. Minimum credit card purchase is $20.00.
PayPal is currently accepted for ground shipped orders within the contiguous U.S.
Affirm is only available on orders over $400. For more Information please refer to our Affirm page.
Money orders, cashier’s check and certified checks are accepted. On pre-paid mail orders, they are held until funds are cleared by our bank.
To use a personal check or business check on pre-paid orders, the name, address, and check number must be pre-printed on the check. Only first party checks will be accepted. Original Parts Group no longer holds checks! We now process all checks using electronic fund transfers (EFT) which converts funds electronically to our bank. Please see below for details.
By submitting corporate or personal checks for payment, signer, by and through its duly authorized agent: (1)Authorizes conversion of checks to electronic fund transfers (EFT) or drafts for submission as ACH debit entries or drafts to Corporation’s account, (2) Agrees to be bound by the NACHA Rules, as amended from time to time, (3) Agrees, in the event items return unpaid, to pay returned items, plus applicable taxes, interest and the maximum returned check fees allowed by law, and (4) Authorizes such payment by EFT(s) or draft debit(s) against Corporation’s account”.
The prices in this catalog were current at the time of printing, and supersede all prices in any previous OPGI publication. OPGI reserves the right to change prices without notice. Availability of all parts and accessories in this catalog subject to change without notice. OPGI reserves the right to discontinue products, services, and accessories without notice.
Many items in our giant inventory move quickly, and rarely are we out of stock on any items for any length of time. Typically, products that are out of stock at the time you place your original order are in within 10 days. We maintain a sophisticated back order tracking system in our computer that automatically ships any items due to you when they become available. Normally, back orders take as little as 5 days to receive, but can take as much as 30 days. For an estimated time of arrival, call our customer service department.
When ordering by mail and paying by check, we require a $20 minimum order. Credit card orders also require a minimum of $20. If you’re purchasing parts in person at OPGI, no minimum is required.
Orders outside California are exempt from California State Sales Tax at the time of this printing. California residents are required to add sales tax. Due to the periodic unforeseen changes in the California Sales Tax and Federal Interstate Tax System, rates are subject to change. The current California State Sales Tax at the time of this printing is 8%.